Lynda Caesara was introduced to bodywork in 1972 by the huesero (bone man) Don Fidel Ruiz. She studied under Ruiz for a year, developing an intricate understanding of the body and how to restore its structural integrity. After completing massage school, Lynda moved to San Francisco in 1975 where she began studying under Lauren Berry, RPT. She studied and worked with Lauren for 8 years until his death in 1983. Lynda joined some of Lauren’s other students to create the Institute of Integral Health, a non-profit organization dedicated to expanding and teaching The Berry Method® of Corrective Massage. (       

Stressing a multidimensional approach to bodywork, Lynda continued to study different modalities, integrating techniques she learned from John Upledger, Jean-Pierre Barral, Frank Lowen, and Sharon Weiselfish-Giamatteo.

In 1990, Lynda created the joint classes as a way to introduce bodyworkers to The Berry Method®. Each class examines the structural intricacies of a joint, the muscles that move it, and it’s orientation to the whole of the body. With this training, any bodyworker can facilitate structural health for their clients.