

“I’ve been studying The Berry Method® for nearly 5 years. This work has allowed me to give my clients an experience of their body from the inside out. Lynda uses a holistic approach, but she doesn’t let you get lost in the concepts. The first thing you do is create the joint–the bones, each muscle, connective tissue–out of clay. This is a very kinesthetic way of learning the anatomy, of getting it “in your bones”, so to speak. Lynda then teaches you The Berry Method® techniques as Lauren Berry taught her. In addition to The Berry Method®, Lynda brings a universe of information. She’s present, friendly, and purposeful. As far as the method itself, I’ve studied with advanced manual therapists including osteopaths, chiropractors, sports medicine and physical therapists, but I’ve never come across any techniques that deliver the results that the tendon alignment Berry Method® does. Taking these classes has given me the capacity to interpret visual, kinesthetic, and palpatory information in ways that that directly help my clients relieve their pain and rehabilitate following any type of injury, chronic or acute. I would cross the state or country to get this training, luckily I only have to cross the bay. I can’t recommend this class highly enough.”

– Tess Bradley, LMT


“There’s nothing that compares to the depth of understanding and effective techniques taught in the joint classes. Lynda offers a masterful cohesion of theory and technique learned directly from bodywork innovators like Barral, Upledger, and of course, Berry. The Berry Method® is a dream modality for any bodyworker striving to make an extraordinary impact with, and in the lives of, their clients. The work benefits literally every body, but as an athlete and sports massage therapist, I believe the methods are especially relevant to high impact populations, i.e. athletes. This training is all about bringing the body back to it’s optimal state, allowing those pushing their physical limits to push that much further. I’ve left each joint class with the immediate ability to drastically reduce rehabilitation times, correct acute/chronic body distortions, listen deeper to affect previously inaccessible tissue layers, and feel like an anatomical expert ready to educate my clients. Whenever these classes have become available, I’ve bought my plane ticket and flown to Berkeley. If you’re an LMT, PT, Chiropractor, Osteopath, Sports Medicine Doctor, or any type of bodyworker looking to elevate your practice and understanding of the body, this training is absolutely necessary and completely invaluable. Lynda’s joint classes are simply that important.”

– Jeff Kaufman, LMT


“I met Lynda Caesara when I was brought in as a demo for joint class many years ago. I was struck by how different her approach was. I had been to doctors, specialists, chiropractors, physiotherapists and had MRI's, but they were all unidimensional and paled in comparison to the profound depth of seeing and understanding that this work utilizes. Lynda addresses each layer of bone, ligament, muscle and tendon to determine its ease of movement and functionality, while investigating how changes in its structure could have occurred. I knew I had found a valuable teacher with a rare skill set. Having done bodywork before, I have an understanding of anatomy and experience with a wide variety of modalities. Still, I find this work akin to using 10 senses rather than the usual 5 or 6, and even that is probably an understatement.”

– Zoe Balfour